Run 142

from June 4, 2005 to September 23, 2005

Previous runs are here | Current run is here

Run 142

Off Days: Sunday and Monday

My hope for this signup was to be able to get one of the night runs on the 45 with Saturday and Sunday off...a fairly dim hope, as all the weekend runs pay lots of money and I wasn't surprised to see that they went for much more senior operators. Other options were unpalatable due to bad lines, bad days off, bad hours or the like. I wanted to dump the trip and a half on the 5 on Saturday mornings, and I didn't mind going a bit later. This run follows Run 130, and coincidentally, my follower wanted to go earlier, so we effectively traded runs! (228174)

Note on signup: Signup started Tuesday, May 3, 2005, I signed up at 835am Wednesday, the second day of the signup. Ranked 129 of 293 in my division (8 years seniority).

Weekday Schedule:
133/1253 4507 834**(SD853)
Which translates to: I relieve run 133 inbound at Stockton and Sutter at 1253pm on the 45 line. I pull in at 834pm.

Saturday Schedule:
118<1138 4507 832**
Which translates to: I relieve Run 42 outbound at Stockton and Sutter at 1138pm on the 45 line. I pull the coach in at 832pm.

Sunday Schedule:
Run 142 does not go out on Sunday schedules.
If a workday falls on a holiday with a Sunday schedule, I automatically get the day off with 8 hours pay.

Below are .gif's of my printed schedule (my paddle). Note that these are displayed at low resolution on the webpage, but the images are at full resolution, so viewing them directly should be at full size (usually right-click and view image, they should be printable from this point too):

Weekday Schedule (Full Paddle):
Run 142 Weekdays

Weekday Schedule (Run 142 Only):
Run 142 Weekdays

Saturday Schedule (Full Paddle):
Run 142 - Saturdays

Saturday Schedule (Run 142 Only):
Run 142 Saturday

Sunday Schedule:
(only on holidays running a Sunday Schedule)
(Run 142 does not go out on Sundays)

Scheduled Days Off:

(fiscal year 7/1/04 - 6/30/05

Furlough1: Tuesday, March 8, 2005

Furlough2: Thursday, April 7, 2005

Furlough3: Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Floater1: Saturday, August 14, 2004

Floater2: Saturday, December 4, 2004

Bank1: Saturday, January 22, 2005 (11/11/04)

Bank2: Saturday, March 19, 2005 (11/26/04)

Bank3: ? (1/1/05)

(fiscal year 7/1/05 - 6/30/06

(no furlough days in the current fiscal year)

Floater1: Saturday, July 9, 2005





Previous schedules:

Run 142 - Summer 2005 (228174)

Run 130 - Summer 2004 - Spring 2005 (214922)

Run 130 - Spring 2004 (214922)

Run 134 - Winter 2004 (208758)

Run 125 - Fall 2003 (2516xx)

Run 154 - Summer 2003 (271620)

Run 151 - Spring 2003

You can contact me at: or

Page Updated September 11, 2005